Malta 2015. Demonstration of Wireless Underwater Acoustic Video Communication Channel

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“BaltRobotics Sp.z.o.o.” has informed that on 21,May,2015, as it was announced before, the Demonstration of Wireless Underwater Acoustic Video Communication Channel – AUV-based – had been done.
Such kind of the solution had been demonstrated the first time in the world. It opens the new technical phase of undersea exploration and development.
The equipment of wireless underwater video channel had been constructed in AUV “X-3A” by BaltRobotics and in the Vessel.
Place: Malta, Sliema, St. Julian’s Bay (Sliema)
Time: 08-09 p.m.
Absolute Coordinates: Lat: N 35˚55`93`` Lon: E 14˚29`90``
Weather conditions: wind speed – 15 m/sec; waves – less 1 m.
In the Demonstration “on-line” wireless video transmission had been shown with the real marine conditions. It was also demonstrated the possibility to use the Wireless Video Channel for the purposes of “on-line” remote control of AUV by the operator.
Such kind of the solution had been demonstrated the first time in the world. It opens the new technical phase of undersea exploration and development.
The equipment of wireless underwater video channel had been constructed in AUV “X-3A” by BaltRobotics and in the Vessel.
Place: Malta, Sliema, St. Julian’s Bay (Sliema)
Time: 08-09 p.m.
Absolute Coordinates: Lat: N 35˚55`93`` Lon: E 14˚29`90``
Weather conditions: wind speed – 15 m/sec; waves – less 1 m.
In the Demonstration “on-line” wireless video transmission had been shown with the real marine conditions. It was also demonstrated the possibility to use the Wireless Video Channel for the purposes of “on-line” remote control of AUV by the operator.